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Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Closing in on DUIs

Handling a vehicle while impaired is never a good thing because a slight mistake could just be the trigger for a vehicular accident. If you define impairment in the world of driving, it a factor exists that could affect the way you operate your vehicle in a safe manner. Alcohol and drugs are immediately what comes to mind whenever the term impairment is mentioned in driving. You do not have to be an alcoholic to experience the negative effects of alcohol. Official figures state that there are a high number of individuals that are dependent on alcohol and these individuals also exceed safe drinking limits. It loosens inhibitions and leads to risky behavior. Many are hurt in drunk driving related accidents and alcohol is implicated in all fatal road accidents in the world today.

The driving simulator is one of the latest innovations that have been incorporated in driving courses in order to put a stop to drunk driving. Educating drivers about the dangers of driving while impaired is critically important in order to prevent another mishap from happening on the road. You have the obligation to really make sure that you are able to drive safely whenever you operate your vehicle. Make certain that you are rested and at the same time not taking any medications that might affect your abilities on the road. Students that are enrolled in a driving course can now experience what intoxicated driving is really like without having to actually imbibe alcohol. You are in a simulated environment and so there is less stress not to mention risk involved.

At present there is a training program that emphasizes the dangers of driving under influence wherein a custom interface allows the user to input the number of drinks consumed, specifying what time they were consumed and the facts about the driver. A system will then compute the blood alcohol concentration accordingly. The system adjusts the time delays between steering inputs and vehicle response in order for the driver to have the sensation of driving at the specified level. Doing this can greatly assist instructors in stressing the important fact: Never drink and drive. Training programs with innovations such as the dui simulator will certainly have an impact on their students and address the issue of not driving while intoxicated.

Experts are convinced that if you pay attention when driving, do not speed or drive impaired and use the other safety features such as seat belts then no one would ever be in a fatal vehicular accident. If you think you are not fit to drive because you are drunk then you must take personal responsibility and not exercise your privilege to drive. Alcohol is a depressant and diminishes your abilities even with just a small drink. There is already an occurrence of impairment even if your alcohol consumption does not exceed the legal limit. The worse thing about it is that it acts on the very skills and abilities that you need as a driver. Alcohol can impair your vision, judgment and slows down your motor skills.

Alcohol literally dulls your senses and that could bring disastrous and fatal results. Operating a vehicle that is equipped with the latest life-saving technology will not matter if you are intoxicated. Like all controlled substances, alcohol should not be taken lightly but should be taken with caution and responsibility. In order for you to do this, never take any alcoholic drinks especially if you are the designated driver. Since alcohol slows your mind and your motor skills then your reaction time is greatly affected especially when there are any untoward incidents on the road. Fortunately for those who have not been in such an event, you do not have to actually experience drunk driving. Enroll in an advance driving course which offers driving simulator software in their training program to know the difference.

Hunting for a defensive driving simulator that will help build up our driving skills? See all the new driving simulator software downloads that can help turn you a better driver.

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